pastor's page
June 2011
June 5
On the evening of Thursday, less than 24 hours before his death, the Savior celebrated Easter with His disciples, while instituting the Lord's Supper. The Bible uses different terms for the Lord's Supper, to highlight the diversity of its meanings. Remembrance, Breaking bread, Communion, Cup of the Lord, Lord's Table, Lord's Supper, Cup, Fruit of the vine, Bread. This variety of names presents the Lord's Supper significances
Anticipating the natural process of forgetting, the Savior has set up a regular act of worship, in which the born again children of God to remember about him, about the sacrifice he made on the cross to restore their souls. At the Lord's Supper we are remembering the Lord who died for us, we remember the painful death he had on the cross ,we remember His glorious resurrection and His ascension full of promise of His return. At the heart of the Lord's Supper is Christ dead and risen for people, so His memory is one of the major goals of sharing the body and blood.
The Lord's Supper is Lord's guarantee promise that dies in order to forgive people's sins, based on a New Covenant. We accept this promise through faith and throughout Christendom lives by faith with hope that God will keep His word, fulfilling the promise He has made. The dignity and character of God encourages us to believe that what he promised will be fulfilled, without forgetting or reversing. At the Lord's Supper we renew and reclaim the divine promise that we believe with our whole being.
No act of worship of the Church of God speaks better than the Lord's Supper, whose elements are symbols of his body broken and blood flowing from open wounds. The Lord's Supper shows our duty, the reason why we should have to go to hell, show the seriousness of sin and the price of sin so great. Lord's Supper is a symbol of pain, the torment, a substitutionary death. At the Lord's Supper we proclaim the Lord's death, the price He paid to save us from eternal guilt and its eternal consequences. He must be the center of everyone's proclamation, He must be at the center of our projects, He must be the vision for His Church.
Communion literally means a 'sharing', not only 'take part together ". Lord's Supper is a sacrament and that it puts in a divine and supernatural fellowship of people so different, blood brotherhood by the Lord. For this reason, love of the neighbor and the forgiveness are absolutely indispensable. Religiosity ,nature and hypocrisy leads many to hang a life on the benches of the churches, not to experience the sublime greatness of love and forgiveness of brothers, divine attributes manifested among the saints, lead them to fellowship divine. The spirit of law, criticism, envy, the smear and parties, evil and sick competition steal many participants church services the right to be part of God's Church.
Lord's Supper shows us not only what He has done for our past, but what He will do for our future. Lord's Supper is the guarantee of His return promise. He will return after people born again. Nothing else will take from this earth, everything, everything will burn. Because man created in His image and likeness, because those born again in Christ, God's heart is directed towards the blue planet cursed. It is a great gift and a great honor to be in the fellowship of Christ Church, participating with, "blown" to celebrate the greatness of the holy communion, Lord's Supper.
June 12
One of the adults' biggest challenges is raising and the education of children and young people. The church is one of the places they are heading , imitating the adults ' model. The reasons why young people go to church are the following:
1.They seek answers to troubling questions.
2.Seek help with problems they face.
3.Seek patterns to receive direction and motivation.
4.Seek love to confirm their value.
The youth is the time search of identity, so it is characterized by instability, uncertainty, frustrations and challenges.Elk makes them excited, but the lack of experience makes them vulnerable. Curiosity specific early adulthood predisposes them to operates through life challenges, and transforming many of them as victims of sinful obsessions.
Joseph went through complex experiences and can be taken as an example of our children's generation, kneaded by the challenges of everyday life.
I. The challenge of adversity
Divine revelations from God, the position of the favorite child of his father, assuming adult responsibilities .... have attracted the envy of his brothers, leading them to the bloody twelve brothers adversarial relationship. This state of affairs motivated Joseph's brothers to revenge, to sell him to the Ishmaelites merchants. In this way, spoiled child of Jacob became a slave in Egypt.There are young people who for various reasons come into effect with their family members and the consequences are devastating.
II. The challenge of opportunity
Joseph is sold into slavery to a wealthy Egyptian, to which over time will earn the goodwill of the exceptional character and abilities. So this is how the slave becomes the trusted manager of the Egyptian Potiphar. Potiphar's wife ogle Joseph and proposes him to become lovers. Endless opportunities sitting in front of Joseph, but in deference to Potiphar and in faithfulness to God he refused sinful relationship with his master's wife.
There are young people which are arriving in the face of apparent opportunities and lack of respect and loyalty to God, choose to sin.
III. The challenge of inferiority
Motivated by hatred, Potiphar's wife accuses Joseph of intent to rape, which makes him go to jail, although he was absolutely innocent. His faithfulness to God, his respect for Potiphar is rewarded with imprisonment. He is despised, wronged and inferiorizat. Is it worth to be honest in life, if instead of appreciation you are wronged and have to pay the price of inferiority and shame? Joseph paid the price, confident in God, which he expected to do justice.Many young people perceive the trials of life, whose role is maturing and perfection, as the failures that lead to inferiority complex, manifested through discouragement, despair and depression.
IV. The challenge of superiority
With God's help Joseph gets out of jail and becomes the prime minister of the Egyptian Empire.An immigrant Jew, former servant of Potiphar, the man accused and jailed for attempted rape, gets to be the minister of the country. Many young people come in under certain circumstances to manage opportunities and, influenced by the drunkenness of power approaches a ridiculous attitude of superiority and disdain.Whether a person is checked by the receiving authority, but is confirmed by the manifestation of responsibility. Adversity is a test of patience which needs to be passed with patience, the opportunity is a privilege and needs to be balanced, the inferiority is an examination which must be passed with hope, the superiority is a chance that should be used with humbleness.
The children and young adults of our church families need to be helped and encouraged to overcome life's challenges, learning to become the adults that our Master needs.
MAI 29, 2011
Una dintre marile provocări ale adulţilor este creşterea şi educaţia copiilor şi tinerilor. Biserica este unul dintre locurile spre care ei se îndreaptă, imitând modelul adulţilor. Motivele pentru care tinerii merg la biserică sunt următoarele:
1. Ei caută răspunsuri la întrebările care-i frământă.
2. Caută ajutor la problemele cu care se confruntă.
3. Caută modele pentru a primi direcţie şi motivaţie.
4. Caută iubire pentru a confirma valoarea lor.
Tinereţea este vremea căutării identităţii, de aceea este caracterizată de instabilitate, nesiguranţă, frustrări şi provocări. Elanul îi face entuziati, însă lipsa de experienţă îi face vulnerabili. Curiozitatea specifică începutului vieţii de adult îi predispune la explorarea provocărilor vieţii, transformându-i pe mulţi dintre ei în victime ale obsesiilor păcătoase.
Iosif şi experienţele complexe prin care a trecut poate fi luat drept exemplu de generaţia copiilor noştri, frământat de provocările vieţii cotidiene:
Descoperirile divine primite de la Dumnezeu, poziţia de copil favorit oferită de tatăl său, asumarea responsabilităţilor de adult... i-au atras invidia fraţilor săi, conducându-i pe cei doisprezece fraţi la sângeroasa relaţie de adversitate. Această stare de lucruri i-a motivat pe fraţii lui Iosif la răzbunare, vânzându-l unor comercianţi ismaeliţi. În felul acesta, copilul răsfăţat al lui Iacov a ajuns rob în Egipt. Sunt tineri care, pentru diverse motive, intră în adversitate cu membrii familiei lor şi consecinţele sunt devastatoare.
Iosif este vândut ca sclav unui egiptean bogat, căruia îi va câştiga de-a lungul timpului bunăvoinţa prin caracter şi abilităţi de excepţie. Aşa se face că sclavul devine administratorul de încredere al egipteanului Potifar. Soţia acestuia îi face ochi dulci lui Iosif şi-i propune să devină iubiţi. Oportunităţi fără sfârşit stăteau în faţa lui Iosif, însă, din respect pentru Potifar şi din credincioşie pentru Dumnezeu, el refuză relaţia păcătoasă cu soţia stăpânului său. Sunt tineri care ajung în faţa unor aparente oportunităţi şi, din lipsă de respect şi credincioşie faţă de Dumnezeu, aleg să păcătuiască.
Motivată de ură, soţia lui Potifar îl acuză pe Iosif de intenţie de viol, lucru care-l face să ajungă în închisoare, deşi era absolut nevinovat. Credincioşia lui faţă de Dumnezeu, respectul său faţă de Potifar este răsplătit cu închisoarea. Este dispreţuit, nedreptăţit şi inferiorizat. Merită să fii cinstit în viaţă, dacă în loc de apreciere eşti nedreptăţit şi plăteşti preţul inferiorităţii şi ruşinii? Iosif a plătit acest preţ, încrezându-se în Dumnezeu, pe care-L aştepta să-i facă dreptate. Mulţi tineri percep încercările vieţii, al căror rol este maturizarea şi desăvârşirea, drept eşecuri care conduc la complexul de inferioritate, manifestat prin descurajare, deznădejde şi depresie.
Prin ajutorul lui Dumnezeu, Iosif iese din închisoare şi devine primul ministru al Imperiului Egiptean. Un emigrant evreu, fostul rob al lui Potifar, omul acuzat şi închis pentru tentativă de viol, ajunge ministrul ţării! Mulţi tineri ajung în virtutea circumstanţelor să administreze anumite oportunităţi şi, influenţaţi de beţia puterii, abordează o atitudine ridicolă de superioritate şi dispreţ. Caracterul unui om este verificat de primirea autorităţii, însă este confirmat de manifestarea responsabilităţii. Adversitatea este un test care trebuie trecut cu răbdare, oportunitatea este un privilegiu care trebuie folosit cu echilibru, inferioritatea este un examen care trebuie depăşit cu speranţă, superioritatea este o ocazie care trebuie folosită cu umilinţă.
Copiii şi tinerii familiilor şi bisericii noastre trebuie ajutaţi şi încurajaţi să depăşească provocările vieţii, învăţând să devină adulţii de care are nevoie Stăpânul.
June 26
Regardless of the unfaithfulness of some individuals, we can only solve our most challenging problems by possessing a true and honest faith in God. In the Synoptic Gospels, we see two miraculous events that occur in approximately the same place, at approximately the same time. The Savior is invited by the leader of the local synagogue, Jairus, to quickly come to his home because his 12 year old daughter is on her deathbed. While Jesus was on his way to the sick girl’s home, surrounded by a multitude of people, a woman with a blood disorder reaches out and touches his cloak through faith and is instantly healed of her disease. After a short conversation with the healed woman, Christ continues his journey towards Jairus’ home, where he finds that the girl has died. He prays for the little girl, and she miraculously wakes up from her death. Evangelists present these two simultaneous events as two separate events that occurred under the umbrella of a greater event. What is God’s message to us?
1. The woman suffered for 12 years, while the girl was 12 years old
2. The woman extends her hand to touch Jesus; the little girl is touched by Jesus’ hand
3. The woman, along with the Child’s father, had faith that God can heal and perform miracles
1. The woman maintains an inferior position (woman, sick, unknown, considered “dirty” because of her illness, poor), while Jairus maintained a position of superiority (man, leader of the synagogue, well-known, influential, wealthy).
2. The woman is sick, while the girl is dead
3. Jairus calls on Jesus first but his daughter is touched second, while the woman comes last but is the first one healed.
1. Jairus brings his problem before Christ, believing that he can help solve his problem. Faith during trying times becomes essential.
2. Jairus worships before he asks for Christ’s help. He shows respect for God even during a trial.
3. Jairus asks Christ to place his hand over the child, believing that he has power over illness.
1. He reacted with sympathy towards the man, immediately leaving from wherever He was and journeying towards Jairus’ home. God shows sympathy towards those who are suffering.
2. He surrounds the man with understanding, saying that the girl is not dead, but rather just sleeping.
3. He raises the girl from the dead by praying for her. God’s power is limitless.
1. With faith – God said: “Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace and be freed from your suffering”.
2. With humility- “She came up behind him in the crowd”. They are in a place surrounded by a multitude of people.
3. With meekness- : “…reached up and touched his cloak”. She was afraid to speak up and be noticed by the crowd of people.
1. He proclaimed the power of the Kingdom of God – “At once Jesus noticed that power had gone out from him”.
2. He recognized the miracle of the healing – “Your faith has healed you”.
3. He blessed a healed woman. “Go in peace”.
1. Sickness, death and sin are part of the human existence, and as humans we have no solutions for these three realities.
2. Regardless of your social standing, your financial stability, gender or popularity, God loves you and will come to your aid if you ask Him for help.
3. God’s power is beyond limits- to Him healing a sick woman, or raising a child from her grave, is synonymous.
4. A person’s faith in God, humility and meekness are necessary attitudes to adopt when you are looking to receive the mercy of the Lord Almighty.
We need to believe that Jesus Christ is the Savior and Son of God, repent from our sins, become humble and ask for his mercy, and God will bestow his grace over us and our home. We can all do this together, while there is still time.