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November 2019



November 2019

November 3 


 November 10

When speaking about life and death we need to remark two very important things:
1. Life puts responsibilities before us
2. Death puts us before the judgment of God
Life’s responsibilities are personal, familial, spiritual, intellectual, professional, social, charitable… Assuming spiritual responsibilities lead to the salvation of the soul
and eternal life, “God overlooked such ignorance, but now he commands all people everywhere to repent” (Acts 17:30).
We are responsible for sanctifying ourselves, changing our lifestyles, living in purity. We are responsible to serve God and serve others in His name. We are responsible for our families, for our spouse, for our children and grandchildren.
We are responsible for the work of God here on earth, through the church. No matter the length and beauty life has, man is transient and through death, he is on his way to eternity.
Death puts us before judgment – “just as people are destined to die once, and after that to face judgment” (Hebrews 9:27). The proof that God is our Father, Lord, and Master is reflected in assuming the responsibilities of life. The reward sent by God will be precise and just. Judgment confronts us with reward or punishment – “For God will bring every deed into judgment, including every hidden thing, whether it is good or evil” (Ecclesiastes 12:14).
The reward of judgment offers us eternal life – “All these people were still living by faith when they died. They did not receive the things promised; they only saw them and welcomed them from a distance, admitting that they were foreigners and strangers on earth. People who say such things show that they are looking for a country of their own. If they had been thinking of the country they had left, they would have had opportunity to return. Instead, they were longing for a better country—a heavenly one. Therefore, God is not ashamed to be called their God, for he has prepared a city for them” (Hebrews 11:13-16).
You can live the human life without faith, without repentance, without a spiritual character and without service, but you cannot enter eternal life without all these things


 November 17


Early childhood is the period of time in which the habits and ways of life for a future adult are forming, reason for which the basis of education is done in the first two years of life through teaching and gentle corrective discipline. The parental process of education and correction needs to avoid certain behaviors and methods that can have a negative effect on a child:
1. Not fully explaining the principles and rules
2. Being excessively critical, aggressive, and violent
3. Public correction/humiliation
4. Punishing the child later, by mandating limits without explanation
5. Being impatient and quitting the process of education
6. Going back on your word
7. Destroying the hopes and dreams of the child
8. Imposing rules without negotiation
9. Controlling without verifying a situation
10. Moralizing without talking about the problem
11. Threatening without explaining consequences
12. Comparing your children with others (it is as if they were to compare you to other parents)
13. Not spending time with your child
14. Not being a friend to your child.
15. Rules without a relationship lead to rebellion.
16. Not understanding the limitations and vulnerabilities of children in a particular age bracket.
When an adult is tempted into sin one way or another, temptations are born in his life and reach his mind through one of the five senses: sight, hearing, smell, touch and taste. Once they reach the conscious portion of the human brain, the information is processed and is then subjected to the spiritual-moral evaluations according to which the conscience functions. This is the instant of acceptance or rejection of the discernment realized by the conscience. If it passes the quality test, the information goes to the subconscious portion of the brain where the area of self-worth is. This is where habits are formed, the unconscious reactions of the adult that manifest themselves instantly in situations of need, before the conscious who needs time to process the action.
The process in the adult brain described above is halved in the brain of a child because he does not have the capacity to process information in the conscious area. In the case of a child, the unprocessed information will reach the unconscious, whether it is good or bad, moral or immoral and this information will form as self-worth in the area of the unconscious reaction. This explanation demonstrates that the parent has approximately two years to educate the child, placing the values of Scriptures, or the values of the world into his mind. This is why the Scriptures say “Train up a child in the ways he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it” (Proverbs 22:6).


 November 24

Most people believe that states of happiness and thankfulness need to come from within. Studies from the last few decades demonstrate that happiness is a state that we can achieve depending on how much importance we give it and how much we consistently seek to find it. The great myth of happiness, promoted by consumerism, is that happiness comes from material gain. In the middle of the last century, due to the emergence of industrialization, the opportunity of productive work was developed. In this way, the mentality that people would be happy and content only when they acquired certain things or promotions emerged. Studies show that man has the capacity to adapt to any change in life, including becoming better off or wealthy. Statistics confirm the fact that this state of adaptation lasts approximately 8 months, after which everything becomes normal or even monotone. This is the law of the insufficiency of permanence which confirms that what satisfies us today will not have the power to satisfy us tomorrow in equal measure. I do not intend to downplay the value and importance of material things in our lives, but rather to point out that material things are like accessories that beautify our lives.
What does the Bible tell us about the state of happiness and contentment?
Being content is a discipline of life and is conditioned by several factors.
1. A high level of trust in God. Faith is a way of life in which man relies entirely on God. Faith in God is born and develops through the knowledge of the divine message in the Gospel. This faith gives man the ability to believe that God exists, that He rules the Universe and that He will help him in all things in life. For this reason, faithful people will choose and discipline themselves to be thankful and happy in any situation.
2. A high level of spiritual discipline. For man, being spiritual means that the living Spirit of God in his heart every day. The Bible says “in all things, give thanks”. Normally, man is thankful only regarding the things that please him. But the Bible says, “Be joyful in trials”. God calls us to trust Him, being joyful everyday because of His presence and help. The years that have passed are a testimony to the fact that the goodness of God has accompanied us and His grace was sufficient in every situation.
Let us look now with gratitude and recognition toward the good hand of our God that has accompanied us step by step in the journey of life.